Monday, June 28, 2010

A Missed Miscarriage

I have made a self test on pregnancy somewhere in early June and it turns out positive. Was is a surprise? Yes it was. I wasn't sure that I was pregnant as I thought my PCOS has returned. But since it was a positive test, then I'm happy.

I made a first visit to a normal clinic to confirm. But at that time the doctor estimated I was about in my 5th weeks of pregnancy and she is so sure she won't see anything thru scan but I want to give a try. And I did. True enough what the doctor said, couldn't confirm anything. I decided to wait at least 2 weeks later to have another round of scan. Two weeks came and go, I failed to go to the clinic. Due to some petty problems like fatigue and so on. But I've started the morning or sometimes evening sickness. Vomiting after each meal and feeling so cold on a very hot day. This has carry on till the last day of my pregnancy.

Last Thursday, 24th June 2010, my hubby forced me to go to the clinic and since my regular gynae has closed down his clinic for a relocation, I've decided to go to another one. The clinic is Poliklinik Umra and it's open in the evening for a checkup with the specialist. How convenience.

I was being lectured by the doctor who saw me. He said, why do I wait this long to come and see him. I have no particular answer to give so I just smiled. And he told my husband, it is not good to wait till 2 months to come and see the doctor as there might be other complication can occur. Okay, lesson 1.

When he learnt that the first doctor I went to see did not prescribed me any folic acid, again he is annoyed. He said folic acid is the most crucial vitamin to be consume once the pregnancy is confirmed. Lesson 2.

He asked permission to scan and we have no objection. At the first look, he said he is not happy. The sac is there but he cannot see the embryo. He said there are 2 ways determining, to wait for another week to see the progress or the fastest way is do a blood test. Since the Karambunai trip is so near, we decided on the blood test. And asked us to come back on Saturday.

We went to the clinic again on Saturday. He scanned for another round and asked the expert to do a vaginal scan. Both of them confirmed whatever they are confirming. And the doctor invited us to another room for a chat session he said. And I thought there must be something amiss.

True enough. He told us, what I'm experiencing is missed miscarriage or the scientific name is Anembryonic Pregnancy. In normal language, the sac is there but somewhere in between, the embryo never developed. He was 99.9% sure from the first time he scanned me. But he doesn't to say it that time because that was our first time meeting each other and it will not look good. He said I need to take it out and explained how the procedure will take place. It sounds scary and he ensure me that I will not feel anything as I will be put on sleep. My hubby asked me to do it the very next day. If we were to wait, what happen if it occur a day before our trip to Sabah or when we are there? It can be worse.

Sunday came and with a anxious feeling. Scared as well. But hubby was there with me. Ensuring that everything will be alright. The last picture in my mind before the procedure is when the doctor jab me with the anesthetic med and I woke up in the ward. As if nothing has happened. And the nurse is kind enough to put my handphone in my palm. I remembered talking to my hubby telling him I'm already in the ward as before. He was at the office as he has made few appointments with his customer. We weren't expecting this to happen so he has to go. I don't mind. He couldn't do much when I was in the operation theater anyway. I don't know how many times I woke up and dozed off again. At last about 5pm, I managed to wake up properly with a little bit of dizziness and check myself out.

Here I am at home resting and recovering. Hopefully everything goes well in future.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Lila, I experienced the same thing last month. Did self-test, and went to see doct on the 4th week but doct said shouldn't be able to see anything, just 'rahim bengkak' which supports the pregnancy suspicions.
Then I didn't have time to go for another checkup until i was 2 months but by that time, doct said just sac, no embryo.. I opted for D&C to take out the sac since it wasn't coming out on its own.. Anyway, its kinda comforting to know that there's someone else who understands although I would never wish it to happen to anyone. Ok, have a good rest and don't forget to really 'pantang'. :)