Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Ketiak Oh Ketiak!

Last weekend hubby and me decided to watch a movie. Since we can't even remember the last movie we watched. We do have some wish list movies to watch but because of the time and some other factors, we couldn't make it happen.

As you can guessed, the movie we wanted to watch is Iron Man 2 but we couldn't get the ticket even sitting right in front of the screen. Since I've watched Losers movie trailer in a TV programme, I suggested to hubby. We managed to get the couple seats.

While waiting the cinema ready to be seated, we queued for popcorn and some other things. End up, the food actually cost more than the ticket! And while we waited for our food, there were some commotion coming from behind of us. It seemed that a group of gang was having some problem with another. The other gang were actually patrons of the cinema. The bad gang came right behind of the good one and start punching him till they nailed him to the poster box. The consequences? The glass for the box shattered which irritates the theater manager. How do I know which is bad and which is good? I'm making assumptions. Because the patrons did not actually fought really hard. He managed to punch back few times and walked away straight to the movie theater. While the other kept on calling names and eventually walked away as well. Thank god!

When our turn to go into the movie, we managed to find our seats just nice and there were a young Malay couple. Both smiled at us. And we settled ourselves. Suddenly this conversation striked between us:

Hubby : You ada bau masam tak?
Me : Bau masam as in bau ketiak ke?
Hubby : Ha aa.
Me : Ada, ada (impatiently agreeing).

Then I looked to his side and saw the boy actually put his hands upwards and resting it behind his head. Now we know where the smell come from. And being Mr Hubby, he is very impatient in this kind of thing.

Hubby : Bau ni sampai ke tempat u ke? (I was seating one seat further from that boy).
Me : Yup!

And since he couldn't stand it at all and movie has yet to start, he directly said this, "Bau masam la woi. Tutup la yang mana patut." Thank God again the boy understood. And the girl selamba sardin peluk the boy! Huh! If I were her, sorry!

We managed to watch the movie till the end without any more distraction of smells. However, Hubby said the boy was actually fondling the girl's breast and he managed to give them few stares. Ha ha ha....

The movie is entertaining. I wouldn't mind to watch it another round.

1 comment:

jidood said...

yuckkiew... uweeekkk... nak muntah boleh?