Friday, October 01, 2010

A Training I Enjoyed Most So Far

This week it started off so good. I attended a 2-days course at The Curve. Interesting place to have a course kan? This course is actually the second part of my 3 modules on leadership. This time round instead of having the normal theory session, we played a board game. The objective of the game is how you are going to sustain your business, where are you leading your business and all sorts of business related.

Its like a monopoly but different concept. Perhaps I could say its like a Donald Trump monopoly? Well, everyone in the course were enjoying the game. For lunch, we had at 2 different places this time. And better taste from the first time we were having the course there. And they served starter and desserts as well. The only thing we hated about the course was.. we have to do an assignment. Yes, for this leadership course, each module has their own assignment that we need to submit. And we have 2 session on coaching to guide us in giving the correct or best answers. Not bad. But it really take time to do it plus the existing office work. I wonder how those who further study manage to do it. Whatever it is, I know I can do it.

Signing off now. Enjoy your weekends folks. TTFN!

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