Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Year A New Beginning

Happy new year everyone. I feel so much blessed. I am thankful to Allah, I'm still here in these new years. 1431 Hijrah and also 2010, Insya-Allah. I changed my career path in 2009 and hopefully more good opportunities will drop by for me and my family. I'm not searching for new job though. Semoga diberikan rezeki yg murah dan berkat, dikurniakan kesihatan sentiasa dan kehidupan yang bahagia di dunia dan akhirat. Amin.

I just started working last Monday after a short break before Xmas. And when I reached office that Monday morning, I just found this box on my table. Wonder what box it is and whether has been wrongly placed on my table, I don't know. So I was so very glad when my name was on the box. I was so happy, and of course I opened it immediately. And tadaaaaaaa....

The big one is the 2010 diary and the smaller one is the memo pad plus the stick-on notes. It is a gift from my company.

Then the weekends, we spent a few hours to search for school uniform. Bougt it at Carrefour. Stationeries will be on later dates as I don't want the kids to tag along. So many pilihan and demands. Mummy will go crazy! Ha ha ha...

Lastly, me and family would like to wish everyone...

A New Year is A New Beginning
Be Cautious for Upcoming Challenges
Careful For Every Decision Made
Dragging The Past With You Is Not Good
Enjoy The Life With Your Loved Ones!

Happy New Year & Selamat Tahun Baru.

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