Monday, June 16, 2008

Waiting Is Such A Misery

These are the definition that I found @; refer below:
a. The state of suffering and want as a result of physical circumstances or extreme poverty.
b. Mental or emotional unhappiness or distress: "Our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances" Martha Washington.
2. A cause or source of suffering.
3. Informal A physical ache or ailment.
So in my case I guess 1b. Yes, I am still waiting for the result. That is why I'm in misery. I just cannot wait so long for something I want. Oh my..... please give me some answers. I just want to end this feeling right now.
And I cannot find the right words to blab here because of this misery. Which also has caused me being less creative than usual in my normal state. Oh help me please............
Hopefully will get to know about it tomorrow... Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee pray for me...

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