1. Berjauhan ngan parents and berdikari - This happen masa Form 1. Dapat offer masuk to one of boarding schools in Malaysia. Happy giler to tell the truth. Anyway, saya yg memaksa arwah bapak to appeal to Kementerian Pendidikan to get into the boarding school. The only junior kat dalam dorm tu yg tak homesick!
2. Bersalin anak pertama - Tak de idea langsung bahawasanya rasa sengal kat perut tu sebenarnya tanda nak bersalin. Sebab due date jauh lagi lebih kurang 3 minggu. Bila pergi jumpa bidan kat Klinik Kesihatan, dia kata jalan dah bukak 8cm.. So rush to hospital. Takut jugak tapi terpaksa tabahkan hati. The best part bila Ketua Bidan tu cakap, "Ish.. ni boleh buat pulut kuning ni.. Tak payah jahit." Yahooo....
3. Bila dapat tahu Amani ada problem ngan hearing - Cannot reply describe my feeling that time. Nak kata sedih, sedih jugak but was hoping nothing serious. Then start asking ppl around about it and I take it positively.. Bersyukur, sifat lain dia cukup. Alhamdullillah. She is a fast learner. Everything the speech therapist me to teach her, she pick it up fast. Example, speech therapist tu suruh ambik puzzle, buat sound then letak kat tempat dia. Piece per piece. Masa half lagi nak habis, dia terus ambik 2. Agaknya dia kata buat satu2 lambat sangat kot. He he he.. I pun gelak masa tu sebab tak sangka pulak to that extend dia leh pikir.
4. Bila first time keje - Mesti orang tak caya kalu I cakap first time keje kat one of consultant firms in KB, gaji masa tu is only RM400. But for the sake of experience and bosan dok umah, I keje je... Jgn memilih sangat. At last, for about 4 years I keje kat situ, the last salary I get from that firm is RM1100. That is when we decided to move out to KL.
5. First time kena tag - Penat aa pk benda first time. Banyak benor.. Ni yg aku nak letak dalam ni..
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